Lazarus Anime
Credits to: AdultSwim
The story of this Sci-fi thrilling anime named Lazarus is set in the year 2052 when the world is at peace because of revolutionary drug named "Hapuna" invented by a character named Dr Skinner. However upon his return after a mysterious disappearance of 3 years, he reveals a disturbing fact about his discovery which indicates danger to its users. The plot then revolves around Lazarus, a task force including five international agents trying to locate Skinner and solve the mystery by aiming to create a life saving vaccine in the midst of ticking clock.
- Production Studios working on Lazarus Anime
The Action thriller anime Lazarus is set to debut in 2024 managed by the collaboration between MAPPA Studio & Sola Entertainment. The very famous film maker of hollywood industry, Chad Stahelski, who has presented us masterpiece like John Wick movie series is also said to be working on this project.
Why you should watch this anime??
You should watch this anime because of :
- Unique Storyline : The story is filled with unexpected twists that attracts user to engage with this anime.
- Artistic Animation : The animation quality of this top-notch anime is splendid. The breathtaking details about the character designs and backgrounds is presented impressively which adds to the overall appeal of the series.
- Thought-Provoking Themes : Lazarus presents the concept of life and death which is enough to leave you in awe after you've finished watching the series.
- Engaging Soundtrack : The soundtrack of Lazarus improves the viewing experience and helps in building suspense during crucial scenes.
Lazarus Anime Release Date
The anime was set to be released in the first half of the year 2024. Though, there is no official statements provided by the anime production studios as the anime is still said to be in development.
Where to watch Lazarus Anime
credits to: AdultSwim
This anime is going to be released on the Toonami Block of Adult Swim in North America. There is no official statement released about Lazarus being broadcasted when it airs.
Since the show is an program hosted by the Adult Swim, it will likely stream on MAX because of their shared affiliation under Warner Bros.